How Fiverr measures data quality

  • Wed
    11:00 am
  • 45

Shenhav Lavie, Senior Director of Data Development at Fiverr, and Oren Sarfaty, Data Analyst at Fiverr, share their journey of rebuilding Fiverr's data platform. They discuss the organizational challenges related to data quality and their shift from defense to offense by implementing effective data quality methodologies.

Topics covered:

  • Fiverr's journey of rebuilding their data platform
  • The challenge of measuring data quality
  • How to measure data quality and share quality scores with consumers and stakeholders
  • Tracking and communicating progress in improving data quality over time


Maayan Salom
Co-Founder at Elementary
Or Avidov
Co-founder at Elementary
Shenhav Lavie
Senior Director of Data Development, Fiverr
Oren Sarfaty
Data Developer, Fiverr

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Maayan Salom
Co-Founder at Elementary
Or Avidov
Co-founder at Elementary
Shenhav Lavie
Senior Director of Data Development, Fiverr
Oren Sarfaty
Data Developer, Fiverr