Configuring Custom Query Tests

Elementary allows data analysts to configure custom queries directly through an IDE, where they can paste their custom SQL logic. This logic is translated into a dbt singular test and stored in the code repository, ensuring that all custom SQL validations are maintained in source control. This structured approach promotes collaboration, repeatability, and seamless integration with the dbt framework.

In addition to that, you can also configure custom query. So I don't have like a query that I prepared in advance, but it's an IDE. So also data analysts can work with it and paste here all the custom query logics that they have and we will open a pull request with this custom logic and we'll translate it into a dbt singular test. If you're familiar with it, it's the mechanism in dbt that enables you to implement custom SQL validations. So all the custom SQL queries that will be made by our data analysts will be translated into the dbt singular test and all the validations will remain in your source control, which is really important because working in a more structured way and maintaining all the metadata and validations in the code enables us to really collaborate on it and making sure that everything is repeatable and can be configured again from the code, if that makes sense.